Collection is a key point in the management of waste. This is how it is retrieved from residences and companies, where it is generated, and transported to the most appropriate location for disposal. Collection involves a series of logistical challenges, which the Estre Group executes with skill, knowledge and experience.
Collection is carried out according to the characteristics of the region and/or type of waste.
Solid urban waste is collected manually and with the use of machines, and transported to where it can be disposed of correctly.
Manual collection is the most common type and best recognized by the public, with garbage collectors removing trash bags from residences and placing them in compacting trucks.
Depending on the local conditions, containerized collection may be used. In this type of collection, garbage collectors or the residents themselves deposit trash in containers placed in strategic locations. The truck then regularly collects the contents all at once, avoiding torn bags and garbage in the streets. This type of collection is safer and faster for the garbage collector, and can also make the service less expensive.
Região sul:
São Paulo (capital e interior):
Demais regiões:
Another service provided is transshipping. In this service a large amount of waste from different regions is brought together in order to lower the cost of transportation to the sanitary landfill. With this service, it is possible to achieve a competitive price even when the city generates a small amount of waste or is located far from the sanitary landfill, which would otherwise result in high costs for public management.
The Estre Group also offers a separate collection service, depending on the circumstances of each city, and provides assistance in setting up recycling cooperatives. The group also installs and administers ecopontos (ecopoints), where waste that cannot be placed in common landfills can be taken (used furniture, appliances, light bulbs, batteries, etc.).
Healthcare Waste is also collected at this location.